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Gazit International Polygraph School

The school operates globally by cooperating with state and civil institutions in the various countries in which courses are conducted. The polygraph school staff has trained polygraph examiners in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America; established polygraph laboratories and advised government and institutional bodies.

Gazit polygraph school

Gazit polygraph school operates globally by cooperating with state and civil institutions in the various countries in which courses are conducted. The polygraph school staff has trained polygraph examiners in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America; established polygraph laboratories and advised government and institutional bodies.

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Expert opinion

Providing an Opinion: an Expert Polygraph Witness in Court.

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Personnel examinations

variety of personnel examinations at work places.

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Gazit International Polygraph School offers the following:

Training courses for polygraph examiners | Advanced training courses for instructors and polygraph laboratory managers | Enrichment courses for law enforcement, inspection, interrogation professions and other tangent professions for familiarizing the polygraph and understanding the accompanying ethical issues.

The founder and manager of the polygraph school, Mr. Mordecai Gazit, is the former president of the Israel Polygraph Examiners Association and a member of the American Polygraph Association (A.P.A.).