Faculty staff

Gazit International Polygraph School operates globally by cooperating with state and civil institutes in the various countries in which courses are conducted.The polygraph school staff has trained polygraph examiners in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America; established polygraph laboratories and advised government and institutional bodies. The polygraph courses combine study material based on knowledge and updated academic research and practical studies based on the instructional staff at the school’s rich experience as examiners in private and state bodies.

Mr. Mordecai Gazit

Founder and manager of the polygraph school, former president of the Israel Polygraph Examiners Association and a Member of the American Polygraph Association (A.P.A.),Mr. Gazit, with 35 years experience as a polygraph examiner and laboratory manager, is a Psychology graduate of the Hebrew University. In the past, he was the director of the Israel Police polygraph school and was the acting head of the Israel Police polygraph laboratory. Since 1980, he has been used as an expert witness in the Israeli law courts. He has managed polygraph courses in Israel and for government bodies in many other countries.

Prof. Eitan Elad, Phd.

Manager of the schools psychological and research field, Prof. Elad is the head of the Behavioral Sciences Department at the Ariel University Center and head of the Psychophysiology Research Laboratory on the campus. For the past 30 years, he has been investigating various aspects about lies and the range of methods that have been developed for exposing them. He has published a dozens of scientific articles in leading psychological periodicals, with an emphasis on polygraph examinations. He is also taught these subjects at the Bar Ilan University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Prof. Elad has accumulated much practical experience through 25 years of service as an interrogation officer at the Israel Police.

Mr. Eran Gazit

A lecturer in the applied polygraph and examination methods field, he is an Economics and Political Sciences graduate of the Hebrew University and a cum laude psychology graduate at the Open University. He is also a graduate of the MICJ – Maryland Institute for Criminal Justice, Maryland, USA. He has rich experience as a polygraph examiner and is used as an expert witness in Israeli law courts. Articles that he has written have been published in leading scientific magazines in the polygraph field. He has rich experience in establishing polygraph laboratories, training new polygraph examiners and assimilating knowledge into governmental organizations globally. He is a member of the American Polygraph Association (A.P.A), the Israel Polygraph Examiners Association (I.P.E.A) and the British and European Polygraph Association (B.E.P.A).